Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hi Everyone,
I am happy to announce that one of my favorite paintings was accepted to be in the Master Show at the Salmagundi Club in NYC.
It will be on display in the club’s beautiful brand new gallery space!

You are invited to the reception, which is this Friday May 16th from 6pm-8pm

Here is the show info, please check it out if you are in the area! 
Salmagundi Masters Exhibition
MAY 13, 2014 - MAY 22, 2014
Forty-Seven Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10003 | (212) 255-7740 | Email: info@salmagundi.org

Hope you can make it! 
Thanks for always believing in me!
Christine D'Addario
"The Lookout" 16x20in
To all the Lifeguards, Thank You for keeping us safe
"Whispy Sky" 30x40in
summer is almost here, 39 days and counting, see you a the beach

This one is for the Boat Lovers!
The season has finally begun